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Media Pack

Welcome to the Hempirics Media Pack. Our CBD blog offers a range of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to help you reach our engaged and growing audience of CBD enthusiasts.

Our readership is made up of a diverse audience, including health and wellness enthusiasts, CBD advocates, and people looking for reliable and trustworthy information about CBD. Our blog receives a steady stream of traffic from organic search and social media, making it an ideal platform to promote your CBD products and services.

Advertising Opportunities:

Sponsored Posts: We offer sponsored posts to businesses looking to promote their products or services. Our sponsored posts are written by our team of experienced writers and are designed to provide valuable and informative content to our readers while promoting your brand.

Display Ads: We offer a range of display ad options, including banner ads and sponsored content. Our ads are strategically placed throughout our site to maximize visibility and engagement.

Product Reviews: We offer product review opportunities for businesses looking to promote their CBD products. Our reviews are written by our team of experienced writers and are designed to provide an honest and objective assessment of your products.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Event Sponsorship: We offer event sponsorship opportunities to businesses looking to promote their brand at industry events and conferences. Our sponsorship packages include a range of benefits, including logo placement, branding opportunities, and speaking engagements.

Podcast Sponsorship: We offer sponsorship opportunities for our popular CBD podcast. Our podcast sponsorship packages include a range of benefits, including ad placements, branding opportunities, and promotional mentions.

To discuss advertising or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at We look forward to working with you to promote your brand to our engaged audience of CBD enthusiasts.

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